Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beginning a Workout

With New Year's just now behind us, many people are beginning to reach the point of truth on whether or not they are sticking to their resolutions. For most people this is going to be NO! Starting a consistent workout regimen is the easy part but when it comes to actually sticking to it is what separates the men from the boys. Once the initial excitement wears off from starting a plan, people begin to look for excuses on why not to work out that particular day saying "I'm too tired today" or "Ill do it tomorrow, missing one day won't hurt". This is where the entire regimen falls apart. In order to have get effective results, one must stay true to achieving their goals. Sure workouts will begin to get a little boring or challenging after a while, but you must stick with them, regardless of how your feeling.
In order to develop consistency, pick a time everyday in which you know will work.  This will eliminate any excuses due to other priorities you may have.  Also, having a workout partner allows you to challenge each other and keep the workouts intense as well as fun.  Once you reach a certain point and you actually see results, you will get a second wind and become motivated to keep achieving these results.  Remember, habits are developed after 21 days of repetition, so keep that in mind as a goal to try and reach.  After you become used to a particular workout such as jogging, the difficulty goes down and the enjoyment goes up.  I have actually gone running in order to make me feel better rather than feel fatigued.  It is scientifically proven that exercise increases short term endorphins in the body as well.  So get out their and do your body and mind a favor and get with a program and stay with it!

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