One of the most highly sought after parts of the body is a nice flat stomach and a set of 6 pack abs. Perhaps the reason this is is because they are so hard to attain. This is not because people have a hard time gaining muscle. Actually nearly everybody has a nice 6 pack. The thing is, you can't see it on most people because it is covered by fat. It just so happens that the stomach is one of the main places fat accumulates, so even if someone is not necessarily overweight, any excess fat they may have is covering that washboard stomach. In order to have visible abdominal muscles, the body fat index of an individual must be very low. Forget all those fancy expensive machines promising a six pack in 6 weeks. Sure they may strengthen the abs, which will make the muscles bigger, but they will not remove the cover of fat from over them. I have seen some very skinny people with hardly any muscle definition at all that have visible 6 packs. For the best results, lose the body fat and strengthen the abs and you will be envied by everyone else at the beach!
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